About Intersect Observatory

Our mission

the Intersect Observatory’s purpose and goals

The Intersect Observatory is created as part of the HRJust project, for more information about the project, visit the project website.

The Intersect Observatory is the first one of its kind to include materials on human rights justifications in the field of climate, COVID and migration through gender and intersectionality perspective!

The Observatory´s function is to disseminate and communicate materials produced by specific Work Packages of the HRJust project.

In particular, the materials offered by the Observatory will help answering the following overarching questions in the project:

How do States defend and legitimise its actions through human rights?

Compare the general and the particular.

What role does geopolitics play in strategy, resources and reach.

What role has EU in comparison between internal to EU and external to EU?

For accessing the mission document, you must first Log in

(you must be a Consortium member)


Collect materials produced by the specific Work Packages of HRJust Project


Disseminate relevant materials in the form of working papers, work-in-progress seminars, web interviews and video blogs.

Target groups

of the Observatory

Civil Society

Policy and decision makers

Human rights institutions

Academic Experts


of the Observatory

Co-directors receive materials for the Observatory from the project´s WPs and ensure the smooth functioning of the Observatory´s website

Dr. Federica Cristani

Institute of International Relations in Prague (CZ)
WP7 Co-leader

Prof. Tuomas Ojanen

University of Helsinki (FI)
WP7 Co-leader

Prof. Elisa Fornalé

World Trade Institute of the University of Bern (CH)
Leader of the Gender section

PowerPoint presentation

of the Observatory